MPL-Publisher — Premium ⭐ WordPress plugin for self-publishing your ebook & audiobook

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MPL-Publisher 📚 helps you self-publishing an ebook, print-ready PDF book, or audiobook from your WordPress posts.

If you are an author ✍️, it will solve the "how to publish my digital book" problem, doing it the simplest possible way 👌, easing the process of converting your book or ebook to ePub, print-ready PDF, mp3… etc.

👉 Download the FREE VERSION at 🔥

MPL-Publisher Premium ⭐ Admin Panel

Writing a book successfully is a challenge by itself and publishing an ebook can be pretty painful without the right tools. But with kindle direct publishing, Amazon publishing, and other forms of self-publishing, publishing an ebook or audiobook can even be easy.

It is free to self-publish on the most popular ebook platforms. You just need a formatted ebook file to load to the publishing platforms. This is your completed, edited manuscript in specific formats:

  • .ePub for the other stores
  • .PDF for print-ready

With our plugin, you can download in a matter of seconds your eBook from your WordPress blog in these formats. If you already have a WordPress site, you are ready to start selling online your self-published book.

The plugin is full of features (check the features section and roadmap to future releases) and open to any comments, bugs or issues you may have. Use the MPL-Publisher Support Forum.

Use cases ❤️

Lead Magnets:

Convert your WordPress content into a powerful lead magnet. Easily compile blog posts into an engaging ebook, offering it as a free download to capture valuable visitor information and grow your email list.

For example: “Más que Padel: Domina Cómo Jugar al Padel” by Fantasy Padel Tour.

Self-Published Books:

Turn your WordPress site into a self-publishing platform. Effortlessly curate and format your posts into a professional ebook. Whether you’re a blogger or an author, showcase your expertise and sell or distribute your self-published book directly from your site.

For example: “Ciclismo de Calculadora: 7 simples fórmulas que explican tu rendimiento ciclista” by EC(PRO)⁴.

Features 📖

For now, these are the current features:

  • Unlimited books per site with unlimited exports per book.
  • Advanced cover editor included.
  • Select chapters (posts, pages and "secret chapters") to include in your eBook.
  • Set basic information about your book: Title, Description, Authors, ISBN, Publisher, Book Cover.
  • Download your eBook as EPUB2.0, EPUB3.0, Markdown, Microsoft Word (docx), PDF and Audiobook (mp3).
  • Add a widget to your sidebar to promote your book with your readers.
  • Promote your book using the shortcode [mpl] and their available options.
  • Basic filter and sort your chapters individually.
  • Add aditional book chapters and edit current content.
  • Include your custom CSS styles into your books.

Roadmap 🚧

Future releases will include, at least, the next functionalities:

  • Advanced search with complex filters to improve the chapter selection.
  • Multiple professional designs available.

Reviews ⭐

"This plugin now provides, by far, the best way to turn one or more WordPress posts into an ePub ebook. (If you want a Kindle version, just run the ePub through Kindle Previewer.)

Perhaps the best aspect, though, is the outstanding support by the developer, who is clearly determined to keep improving it.

Thank you!"

Terrific! (@kts915)

"Realy simple, quik and efficient way to turn writer’s posts into downloadable ebooks. This is the perfect plugin concept to be developed for a writers’club. I’m expecting for new features like some server side file manager or some shortcode wich would embed the publisher in a frontend page."

just what a website of writers needs (@zebulong)

"This plugin is way better than most epub tool available else where! But it’d be nice to have some kind of sorting to arrange the posts and pages before compiling the ebook – the current sorting order is just not helping."

Great plugin! Just need some few tweaks (@lynx81)

Requirements 👨‍💻

  • PHP 7.1.8 or higher
  • WordPress 5.5.0 or higher

If you don’t like my product over the next 15 days, then I will gladly refund your money. No questions asked!

For further information on how to self-publish your ebook, visit the MPL-Publisher Homepage or contact me at

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MPL-Publisher — Premium ⭐ WordPress plugin for self-publishing your ebook & audiobook

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